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Legal notice


actiro Power Blower GmbH
Gewerbepark Simson
Simsonstraße 38
98529 Suhl / Thuringia


phone: +49 (0) 3681 35 16-0
fax: +49 (0) 3681 35 16-16

legal informations

responsible for content according to TLG: Thomas Niehle
legal form: GmbH
seat of the company: Suhl
commercial register: HRB 506747, Amtsgericht Jena
managing directors: Thomas Niehle
sales tax identification number: DE 277508226
tax nb: 171/105/07836


actiro takes great care in creating its web pages and ensures that they are regularly updated. However, actiro does not guarantee trouble-free access or that the information provided on these web pages (images, texts and other presentation) is complete, correct and up to date. actiro reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided. To the extent permitted by law, actiro shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, including loss of profit, arising from or otherwise in connection with information provided on this website. The aforementioned also applies to all external pages (links) to which these webpages refer, directly or indirectly. actiro is not responsible for the content of a page reached by such a link. The information does not constitute an offer of sale. actiro is not liable for any damage caused by retrieving, downloading or storing these pages or links.


Download data and software

actiro does not guarantee the accuracy of data or software that can be downloaded from our web pages. The software has been checked by actiro for viruses. Nevertheless, we recommend that you check data and software for viruses after downloading using the latest virus scan software.


Copyrights and other special protection rights

The content of these web pages is protected by copyright. One copy of the information on the web pages may be stored on a single computer for non-commercial and personal internal use. Graphics, texts, logos, images, etc. may only be downloaded, reproduced, copied, modified, published, sent, transmitted or used in any other form with actiro's written permission. Product and company designations mentioned may be registered trademarks or brands. Unauthorized use may result in claims for damages and injunctive relief.


Text and image credits/copyright:

Text, images and graphics: promoart / actiro
Smartweld Jet © Agentur FORMAT78 GmbH // www.goldschmidt.com
HUWA San Fogger © roamtechnology // www.roamtechnology.com


Personal data privacy and confidentiality

We cannot guarantee that information or personal data transmitted to us will not be intercepted by third parties during transmission.
